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We can manufacture your special MOR-CAST wax.

We have a full line of blends that can be custom tailored to fit your needs and requirements in terms of technological parameters.

MOR-CAST product range

Unfilled waxes

Designed to provide a clean and precise casting experience, these waxes offer excellent flow properties, ensuring intricate details are captured in your investment casting projects.

MOR-CAST 140.25

unfilled wax

Color: green-blue

Drop melting point: 74 ± 3 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 1,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 +- 200 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 0 % (free shrinkage 0,9-1%)


unfilled wax

Color: blue

Drop melting point: 70 ± 3 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 11,5 ± 2,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 50 ± 300 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 0 %


unfilled wax

Color: blue

Drop melting point: 69 ± 2 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 5 ± 2

Viscosity 100 °C: 100 ± 50 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 0 %


unfilled wax

Color: deep blue

Drop melting point: 69 ± 2 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 1,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 150 ± 30 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 0 %

Filled waxes

Our filled waxes are meticulously crafted to incorporate specialized additives. These additives enhance properties such as thermal stability, pattern strength, and surface finish, resulting in exceptional casting outcomes.


filled wax

Color: light blue

Drop melting point: 69,5 ± 2,5 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 5 ± 2

Viscosity 100 °C: 450 ± 150 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 35 ± 2 %


filled wax

Color: light blue

Drop melting point: 77 ± 2 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 5 ± 2

Viscosity 100 °C: 450 ± 150 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 35 ± 2 %


filled wax

Color: deep blue

Drop melting point: 74,5 ± 1,5 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 1,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 150 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 25 ± 2 %


filled wax

Color: deep green

Drop melting point: 74,5 ± 1,5 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 1,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 150 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 25 ± 2 %


filled wax

Color: light green

Drop melting point: 75,5 ± 2 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 4 ± 1

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 150 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 30 ± 2 %


filled wax

Color: dark blue

Drop melting point: 73 ± 3 °C

Ash content: max. 0,2

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 1,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 700 ± 300 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 35 ± 2 %


filled wax

Color: light green

Drop melting point: 72 ± 4 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 2,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 300 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 30 ± 3 %


filled wax

Color: greenish

Drop melting point: 72 ± 3 °C

Ash content: max. 0,02

Penetration 25 °C: 4,5 ± 1,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 300 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 31 ± 2 %

Recycling waxes

We embrace sustainability with our recycling waxes, a great choice for environmentally friendly casting practices. These waxes enable the reuse of excess materials, reducing waste and allowing for cost effective investment casting.


recycling wax

Color: greenish

Drop melting point: 74 ± 4 °C

Ash content: max. 0,06

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 200 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 0 ± 10 % (filter content, linear shrinkage 0,9-1,1)


recycling wax

Color: greenish

Drop melting point: 69 ± 4 °C

Ash content: max. 0,10

Viscosity 100 °C: 350 ± 200 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 12 ± 8 %


recycling wax

Color: greenish-blue

Drop melting point: 72 ± 7 °C

Ash content: max. 0,03

Viscosity 100 °C: 170 ± 200 mpas

Filler content XLPS: 0 %

Sticky wax

The bonding power of sticky wax is ideal for assembling wax patterns and attaching components securely. Our sticky wax
ensures precision and reliability in your investment casting projects.


Sticky Wax

Color: light yellow

Drop melting point: 89,5 ± 2,5 °C

Ash content: max. 0,05

Penetration 25 °C: 7,2 ± 2,5

Viscosity 100 °C: 200 ± 50 mpas

Water soluble wax

Water-soluble wax is a convenient solution for easy pattern removal and minimal residue. This unique wax dissolves effortlessly, streamlining post-casting processes and contributing to a more efficient workflow.


Water soluble wax

Color: grey

Drop melting point: 65 ± 4 °C

Viscosity 100 °C: 850 ± 150 mpas

Art & Jewelry Waxes

Dip seal wax is a specialized additive crafted to lower drop melting and viscosity in runner wax applications. Tailored for precision, this additive ensures optimal flow properties, making investment casting more seamless and efficient.


Dip seal wax

Drop melting point: 57 - 66 °C

Viscosity 100 °C: 200 ± 50 mpas

MOR-ADD PW 931-33

Dip seal wax

Color: ivory

Drop melting point: 60 ± 2 °C

Ash content: max. 0,03

Filler content XLPS: 0 %


MOR-SOL+ is a range of fast drying, colloidal silica binders that are suitable for use in forced and natural drying conditions. They build a shell with significantly higher green strength, increased permeability, reduced shell cracking/buckling, with a shorter shell building time and easier shell removal. MOR-SOL+ binders can be used on automated or manual shell building systems, in primary and back up slurry applications.

Morsa Zircon is manufactured using fully calcined African zircon. The particle size distribution is specifically designed for investment casting shell production. It is compatible with colloidal silica or ethyl silicate binders and can be used in manual and automated shelling.

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About us

MORSA is one of the oldest known companies in Europe with a history dating back to the year 1647.

In the last decades MORSA has gained extensive special knowledge when it comes to the development of casting waxes. This special knowledge and experience is the reason of our success in the development and production of investment casting waxes.

Get in touch

MORSA Wachswarenfabrik GmbH
Nordstr. 3
86381 Krumbach (Schwaben)

08282 800440 - 0

08282 80044 - 33

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