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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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About us

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We use over 300 years of experience
to make the BEST out of wax.

Fulfilling global expectations







MORSA is one of the oldest known companies in Europe with a history dating back to the year 1647. In the last decades MORSA has gained extensive special knowledge when it comes to the
development of casting waxes.

This special knowledge and experience is the reason of our success in the development and production of investment casting waxes.

We transferred and combined our expertise of producing waxes and other investment casting materials into our precision investment casting wax line.

Our experience in wax processing combined with our industry specific knowledge gives us the ability to create custom solutions for a variety of industries, while also meeting the highest quality standards.

As the ultimate quality of castings depends primarily on the quality of wax patterns, each casting can only be as good as the wax model previously prepared.

Our Philosophy & mission

Each wax formulation is shaped by our commitment to quality, reliability, and trust. With a wealth of experience spanning over 300 years, we adapt to dynamic industry needs, providing tailored solutions that continue to define the cutting edge of investment casting.

At MORSA, our mission is to consistently deliver top-tier investment casting waxes, fostering lasting partnerships built on quality craftsmanship and unwavering reliability. Your trust is our foundation, and our commitment to excellence drives us to exceed expectations in investment casting on a global scale.

Raphael Sallinger

What makes our waxes special

All MOR-CAST lines show minimal cavitation,
excellent dimensional stability and are easy to melt out.

All MOR-CAST lines perform well in traditional liquid and paste automatic injection machines but also well on high speed pattern extruders. For maximum injection speed, we recommend using MOR-CAST wax as a paste.

For paste injection, MOR-CAST waxes demonstrate low cavitation and even surface texture for all grades. Due to the rapid set up characteristics, flow rates are maximized with higher filler concentrations. During the initial set up we recommend to start at full flow and then reduce temperature to match the capabilities of the equipment given.

MOR-CAST 150-190 pattern waxes have a smooth surface for finest details. They have very good mechanical properties making them suitable for the injection of thin walled sections. The melt viscosity is quite low, giving excellent flow properties and also good de-waxing. They have a nearly instant set-up and are capable of producing patterns of almost all sizes, sophisticated geometrics and thin or thick sections.

MOR CAST 200-250 unfilled casting waxes can compete against high filled waxes with respect to injection, speed, cavitation and dimensional repeatability.

MOR-CAST M147M189M199

Filler content






Melting point


Congealing point


Time tested quality

We offer state-of-the-art investment casting waxes which are considered among the best available materials on the market.

Our MOR-CAST investment casting waxes can be processed on normal wax injection machines in short cycle times, ideally suited for series products as well as individual products. All of our waxes can be injected in paste, liquid or billet format and as well be reconstituted to almost virgin wax like quality standard to match the original virgin wax performance characteristics.

In order to meet the best possible results for precision investment casting waxes, MORSA provides different lines of MOR-CAST products. All of them are designed with reclamation in mind to provide our customers a cost effective way of utilizing the system waxes.

Independent quality control

Certification to ISO 9001:2015, USO: 13485: 2016 certification and monitoring waste management facility were all completed successfully and must be renewed anually. These processes ensure quality and consistency of our products. Our main production facility, company headquarters and disribution center is situated in Krumbach (Germany).

Uncompromised purity: We protect your wax from contamination

The incoming wax from a foundry is specially marked and kept strictly separate, so each customer receives back their own material in order to ensure exclusion of unwanted elements. Each customer receives a certificate of analysis for every batch.

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About us

MORSA is one of the oldest known companies in Europe with a history dating back to the year 1647.

In the last decades MORSA has gained extensive special knowledge when it comes to the development of casting waxes. This special knowledge and experience is the reason of our success in the development and production of investment casting waxes.

Get in touch

MORSA Wachswarenfabrik GmbH
Nordstr. 3
86381 Krumbach (Schwaben)

08282 800440 - 0

08282 80044 - 33

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